Saturday, January 26, 2008

Springy Saturday, and Sending Hope

Mommy tells us that spring is right around the corner. It was nice euff today that even DeeDee got brave and went outside!! Okie, it was only for 5 minutes, but that is 5 minutes more than she has been outside since October. Mommy even walked the woofie today, and she didn't need a winter coat and took her mittens off half way though the walk.

Mommy went to the flower show at the Cathedral today, and she took a ton of photos. She will not bore everyone with all the photos, but most of them, haha.

Here we go..........

And at the moment, that is all. Mommy is grumbling at her internet connection.

We want anyone who reads this to go and visit Charlie
He isn't feeling well and might have a V-E-T visit in the fugure. We hope he gets better soon!

Temptation loves to all!!!



Kimo and Sabi said...

Furry beeyooteeful!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Is dat a "parrot tulip"? Mommy want to put some of dem in her garden. Furry purrty.

Kaz's Cats said...

Those flowers look very beautiful - they might even be worth 'taste-testing' since they look good enough to eat!


Gypsy & Tasha

PS We've nominated you for a 'Bloggers of the World' award - drop by our blog to pick it up.

Peanut said...

I weigh 20 lbs. Mom says I don't look to fat because I am actually quite a big cat. Big head, big paws all that junk. I like to go outside and eat grass then run back inside. Thanks for visiting my blog

Shelby aka the fatman