Sunday, January 27, 2008

Request, time almost up!

There is one blog in the long list that I read that honestly, I think more people need to find out about. A Place to Bark...and Meow is about Bernie Berlin and her joys and life running a dog rescue out of her house! They are non-profit, and are in the running for one of four $50,000 Network For Good grants being awarded during America's Giving Challenge.

This is late going up, but I will try to post more information tomorrow. As for now, the basics are.... for a min of $10 donation you would be helping Bernie become a top 4 winner. The group with the most donations wins. So lets go and help as many four legged family members as we can okie?

Thanks all!!!!



Tybalt said...

I'll get my mommy to check it out. Thanks for letting us all know! Purrrs.

Mr. Hendrix said...

Hi! We'll have to check that out. Hi Boots, I'm an only kitty so no interlopers. You're welcome to telyport over for quiet if you want.

Stop by (making it 285) when you get a chance!