Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wordless Wednesday, sorta

As the Meezers would say, Crappity Crap Crap! Mommy likes that or "crap on a cracker". We aren't sure about eating crap on a cracker, tuna or chicken, sure. But anyways, mommy is very very sorry about being behind on the posting. Something about Organic and Gallbladders, who knows. She will try to get better at it!

now, on with the pictures!

Very Extreme Close Up!!

Yeah, okie, fine, I got a "pouch" wanna make something of it? Oh, and get this dang "torture device" off of me before I hack up something!


Temptation Loves to All!!!!



Parker said...

I love the snoozt photo! So comfy looking!

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

Ouch. I hope it is not gall bladder. Beans find that VERY painful. That's a nice snoozy photo, you look very content.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yeah, our mom sez crap alot too. Hope der is nuthing wrong wif yoor mom's gall bladder, dem things hurt.

Boy said...

Nice pictors!

4 Boys and a Lady said...

These pictures are precious! Poor DeeDee, don't worry, we can't see your pouch! Everyone looks great. :)

meemsnyc said...

That is a great snoozing pic!